Monday 7 December 2015

Superhero Conventions in Batman Begins

      Batman Begins contains a large number of superhero movie conventions! One of these is the includance of a superhero costumer. However, the interesting thing about this, is that Batman's costume doesn't completely follow the convention. Usually, we would expect a bright, out of the ordinary, and very noticable suit, like Superman's or Spiderman's. Although, Batman's is almost the opposite of this. Almost ninety-nine percent of Batman's costume is black, however this doesn't meant it doesn't follow the superhero costume convention. As well as that, we can imply this characters personality through the colour as being very dark and sinister, as the colour black usually implicates.

   The special abilities convetion is very strange in this film, as Batman doesn't actually obtain any 'super' powers. However, you could argue that his imaginative and extensive use of gadgets and wealth is his power; as well as his 7 year long training, in combat. These powers aren't as flashy, and noticable as those of the like as, The Flash, for example, although you could still argue that these are out of the ordianary and very heroic.

   Every Superhero film needs a villain, and Batman Begins is no exception with 2 villains. Despite the fact people argue Scarecrow isn't the villain as he is only included in a few scenes, and is rarely scene in comabt with Batman, there are still momements where he is coveyed as a threat, and is shown to have the capabilities to defeat Batman. However, the main villain is Ras-Ah-Ghul, the leader of the league of shadows, a group once joined by Bruce Wayne who he soon betrayed, as his mentor, Ras-Ah-Ghul does appear as a massive threat to the theory, showing the capabilites to defeat Batman, which is how a supervillain should appear.

   Ecspecially with trilogies, it is important to provide the viewer with an origin story(an anectode of how the story went from the equilibrium to the disruption and the recognition etc.) Basically, this whole film fits this convetion as the title of the fillm state: this film is all about the beginning of Batman, and how he became the hero of Gotham. Usually, trilogies do this witth their first film, as it sets a path for the sequels, because they can jump straight into the action right at the start, without being concerned with having to provide the viewers with so much information.

Monday 23 November 2015

Superhero Conventions in Spiderman(2002)

     Many films within the superhero genre contain many conventions, that are associated with the superhero genre specifically. Even if the film is a parody, or a skit of a certain film, they can still contain conventions from the superhero genre. The film Spiderman(2002) is no exception. 
    First of all, a convention that spiderman contains, (and probably one of the most important ones) is the costume. Every superhero needs a costume, which identifies themselves as the superhero. This can be for many reasons. The main is to hide that hero's identity. The character usual reasoning for consuming their identity, is to protect those that he loves. This is what Peter decides to do. He produces a bright red and blue costume, with the Spiderman logo on the chest. The logo is also another convention for superhero films. A logo's purpose is to make us remember this superhero. We should be able to identify a superhero, just by looking at their logo. For example: in Spiderman(2002), Spiderman's logo, is the top-down spider. As soon as we see the spider logo, the viewer instantly thinks of Spiderman. Every good superhero film must have a villain. Someone who isn't invincible, but someone who does appear a threat to the main hero, and conveys to the audience as a strong challenger to the hero. In this case, the Green Goblin (Spiderman's nemesis) is the villain. His helmet scares the viewer, with it's feral and sharp looks. Also, the film contains many fight sequences where the Green Goblin does manage to defeat Spiderman, and the Green Goblin does manage to hurt the ones he loves, after his discovery of Spiderman's true identity, only moments after a recent duel they had in a burning building. Without a villain, like the Green Goblin, there would be nothing the Superhero could fight against. Despite the fact the hero could just fight crime, the viewer, will be a lot more interested in watching, a super villain with interesting powers or super abilities. On most occasions, the hero has a love interest. This is someone the hero is very close with, and who is prioritised by the hero. Spiderman's love-interest is Mary-Jane-Watson; a girl who grew up with Peter throughout childhood. Of course, the villain finds a way to threaten and confront Spiderman by threatening him with her life. A lot of superhero films do this. Almost all superhero films, are hybrid genre's/ As a lot of them are also members of the Action genre. Superhero films wouldn't be as appealing to audiences, if the action factor of the film wasn't present. Mostly, the action is provided by using explosions, gunshots, police chases, criminals etc. Spiderman contains all of these factors that have just been listed. A superhero film would not be appealing without this. Spiderman is set in New York, which is an extremely large city. This is the conventional setting for superhero films, The reason this is, is because a large city means a high chance of disaster. The large buildings can be used for many opportunities for destruction, which make for great action sequences and great special effects. Finally, a superhero wouldn't be super without special abilities(according to the definition) Spiderman's abilities is to shoot out organic webs from his hands, which he uses for swinging from building, disarming enemies, and pacifying enemies. He can also climb, and has a spider sense, which is useful in many situations.

      These conventions, imply that Spiderman(2002) is defenitely a film from the Supergero genre.

Monday 16 November 2015

Marvel And DC Comics


      Ever since 1939, Marvel or Marvel Comics have taken  it's place as one of the worlds most famous industries, creating content such as: comics, films, books, merchandise and much more. From the beginning, where it was originally called Timely Productions, to the 1950s where it's name had changed to Atlas Comics, and finally  to present day where it has taken over the film industry under the ownership of Disney. Originally, Marvel Comics was firstly found by Martin Goodman, until Stan Lee took control after his success within his published comic books. Stan Lee created many comics such as: Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk. He also created Spider-Man, which publisher believed would be extremely unpopular due to the fact a lot of people dislike spiders, therefore they won't like spider man. However, Spider-Man turned out to be Marvels most important asset. Although, nothing could compare to the popularity of the Marvel Films, which have been released recently, including more to come. This includes one of the worlds most popular films, Avengers: Age Of Ultron which earned Marvel $1,405,035,767 worldwide. This is Marvels most famous film, and acts as Marvels IP(intellectual property) meaning this is Marvels main asset. The difference Marvel compared to DC, is that Marvel sets there story lines, in real places, for example: the most used setting is New York city, which is the setting for many popular superheroes such as: Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Avengers. Since the start of Marvels film industry, starting with Iron Man 1(2008), Marvel has spread their audience, to a much older age group, due to the fact, recently in their films they have inserted gags, swear words, innuendos, and mature violence. As well as all this, Marvel has multiple TV shows: Marvel: Agents Of Shield, and Agent Carter. Despite the fact, these aren't as popular as the films and comics, they both have still attracted a significant amount of people to the franchise. Overall, Marvel is a worldwide phenomenon, and remains as one of the worlds most powerful industries, with still more films to come, including 'Phase Three' of the Marvel Film Universe.

DC Comics

     Dc Comics is an American company which specializes in the Superhero genre, as well as Marvel. It was founded in the late 1939 by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. DC has created many comic books, films, and TV shows. Recently, DC Comics is probably at it's highest point, as films such as: Batman vs. Superman, Suicide Squad are soon to be released, as well as the currently running TV-Shows, on the CW Network: Arrow(Season 4) and The Flash(Season 2), and Supergirl(Season 1).  DC Comics is a company owned by Warner Bros, which itself was owned by Time Warner. DC's most intellectual property, is most likely Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, including: Batman Begins(2005), The Dark Knight(2008), and The Dark Knight Rises(2012). These 3 films are DC's most popular films, especially The Dark Knight(2008) which has a reputation for being one of the greatest films of all time. DC is an industry mainly aimed at older audiences, considering there is a lot more mature violence, mature language, and a lot more darker and sinister characters(The Joker, Two Face). As well as that, there aren't as many heroes in the DC Universe, who don't actually have super powers, and therefore are vigilantes, this includes: Batman and The Green Arrow. This is also the same for the villains. Unlike Marvel, DC story lines are set in fictional places: Gotham, Metropolis, Central and Starling City. DC still remains as a strong industry with great films, and superior TV shows.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer #3: Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound


Diegetic Sound: This is when the source of the sound is visible on the screen, or is implied to be present by the action of the film. Examples of this form of sound include: voices of characters, and sounds made by the objects in the scene.

Non-Diegetic Sound: This is when the source of the sound is not visible in the scene or the sound has not been implied to be present in the action. This can include: the narrators commentary, sound effects which have been added for dramatic effect, or any music, theme tune, or orchestra that has been added, while the movie is in the editing process.

Examples Of Diegetic Sound

Example 1
Throughout the trailer, there are multiple previews of an undergoing spaceships battle. In these small scenes, we hear the memorable sound of what is referred to as a 'star wars blaster'. This sounds creates an atmosphere of violence, and also tells us that there is a violent battle going on in this scene. The rapid pace the single note is being played, creates a sense of hectic and panic, as the it sounds like the weapons are being fired aimlessly.

                                                                                     Example 2
 For a small part of the trailer, we see a lightsaber clash with something on the ground, the diegetic sound is that the lightsaber makes when the lightsaber makes impact with whatever its aiming at. When we hear this sound, we instantly think of a lightsaber, as it is a recognisable a memorable sound. As soon as we here this sound, we think of danger, violence and death. This automatically creates an atmosphere                                                                                       of violence and death,

Example 3
Another example of Diegetic sound is when the sith-lord says 'I will finish what he started' This creates a very dramatic atmosphere, and makes the viewer think, what is he finishing, how is he going to finish it, and what did the predecessor start?

Examples Of Non-Diegetic Sound

Example 1
At the start of the trailer, the music is just a single piano note, changing pitch whenever a different camera shot or angle is used. This creates tension, as the continuously pitch-changing note, adds suspense to the scene, which makes the viewer ask questions such as: who is the masked figure and what is he/she looking for?

Example 2
 Coming to the end of the trailer, the music massively picks up, and become a lot more dramatic, and related to star wars, which is a lot of action, and a very fast paced feeling. It makes us feel excited, and adds to the anticipation of the film. 

Example 3
 Throughout the first part of the trailer, the narrator (who presumably is the main character) is discussing what he is trying to do, what is he aiming for. We are able to understand what his views are, and that he has been trained to do only one thing, however he wants to change his ways, and help the universe.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Mise-En-Scene Alalysis

Screenshot #1

In this scene or frame, we see the two main characters, Ramona and Scott, stand very close to each other. We can imply a lot about these characters from what we can see in just this single frame. Firstly, the clothing of the two characters contrast each other. On the left we see Scott, who is wearing a fully grey polo shirt, with long, untidy brown hair. Colour, like Brown and Grey, are normally associated with the word, boring and normal. However, on the other side, we have Ramona, who is wearing a bright pink shirt, similar to the colour of the hair, which unlike Scott's, has been styled in some form. The colour pink is associated, with being unique, or exciting. As well as that, Scott is facing downwards, towards the floor. This suggests a bit of arkwardness between the two characters, as they're trying to avoid eye-contact with each other, and it conveys that Scott is very nervous, because the red plastic cup in his hand has been crushed, which is mostly likely due to his nerves taking control of him.

Screenshot #2

In this screenshot we can see a low angle shot, of Evil Ex #1. In this shot, the character is wearing black make up around the perimeter of his eyes. This shows that he is an evil character, as the colour black represents, evil or villainy, this is also implied in the colour of his hair. The character is shown, with a fist up, suggesting that there is a fight going on. This creates an atmosphere of violence for the current scene. Also, the light in the background, shine on the character, drawing the attention to him, and consolidating his significance in the scene, because usually if a light is specifically shone on someone, it shows importance. The blurred figures, of the crowd is shown in the background of the scene. This makes the character look not as strong as he was sought out to be, because he looks weaker, and smaller than the other character that are higher up, or 'taller' than him

Screenshot #3

In this frame we see a split image of the two characters. We can see that Scott has a love interest for Ramona, as his eyes are wide open, which implies he can't stop staring at her. However, on the right Ramona is looking back at Scott in more of a confused manner. It is almost as if she is trying to intimidate him in an attempt to get him to stop staring. The black line used to split the two shots, may symbolize that these 2 characters are very far apart from each other when it comes to personality. Scott, on the left, has short, brown, untidy hair, with is completely the opposite to Ramona's pink and styled hair. The black split in the middle could also represent that there is a difference and a lot of opposites between these two characters.                                                                                

Thursday 8 October 2015

Homework- Camera Angles And Shots, Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer

Camera Angle 1

This is a MID-SHOT. In the shot it shows us that the character on the right is being threatened, for 
the obvious reason that he has his hands up, to surrender, so the soldiers on the left do not shoot him.

Camera Angle 2

This is a CLOSE-UP it highlights the emotion that the character is currently in, in this case the character is very angry, as his teeth are showing, and he looks like he is shouting.

Camera Angle 3

This is an EXTREME LONG-SHOT, this is used to show the viewers who the main people in the film are, on a police line-up, also suggesting they're criminals.

Camera Angle 4

This is and OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT, it shows us the characters shoulder, and what direction he is looking it, and sometimes what object or person he is looking at.

Camera Angle 5

This is a TWO SHOT, because the frame contains two characters. This was chosen to show that the two character do not like each other as the character on the right is using a taser on the left character.

Monday 28 September 2015

Task 1- My Media Diet

Task 2- Todorov's Theory

Task 2- Todorov's Theory

Chosen Film: (Spiderman)

The Equilibrium

The Equilibrium in Spiderman is when Peter Parker is living his average/normal teenage life, in high school, with his best friend Harry Osborne. He lives with his Aunt May and his Uncle Ben on the outskirts of New York City, after the mysterious death of his Father and Mother. However, life is currently normal for Peter Parker.

                                                                                    The Disruption

The Disruption in Spiderman, is when Peter and his class go on a Biology trip, to a genetics laboratory. For unknown reason, a genetically modified spider, escapes from it's case and ends up on the hand of Peter. Eventually the Spider bites him. Peter ignores the bite, unknown to the fact that the Spider that just bit him would provide him with the enhanced abilities of a Spider. As well as this, the arrival of a new Villain; "The Green Goblin" cause trouble in New York City as he causes the death of many famous scientists, and also causing terror to the city. His Uncle Ben is also murdered.

The Recognition

The Recognition in Spiderman, is when Peter begins taking control of his powers, at first he was freaked but he realises that with these new abilities he can help his city, fight against crime and the green goblin. After this revelation, he begins to create his costume, and train so he can finally become Spiderman, and fight the Green Goblin.

The Repair

After claiming his status as Spiderman, he goes to fight the Green Goblin, after the supriseing discovery that the Green Goblin is actually the father of his best friend Norman Osborne. After a battle, where he saved a bus full of innocent people and his friend Mary Jane, he goes to fight Norman in an abandoned factory, ending in Norman Osborn, being killed by accident, with his own Glider. The Green Goblin dies and the city is safe from his terror, but Harry Osborne's opinion of his Father's killer is not good, so Peter must be careful.

The New Equilibrium

After saving the city from the Green Goblin, Peter Parker goes back to his half-normal life, undergoing his new job of protecting the city, under the phrase 'With great power, comes great responsibility!' Peter Parker, now lives his life with his alter-ego Spiderman, protecting his city, and stopping criminals, similar to those who killed his Uncle.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Task 3- Propp's Theory

Task 3- Propp's Theory

Chosen Film: Star Wars IV: A New Hope


Luke Skywalker is the hero in Star Wars because in the person who mainly defeats the Sith by destroying the Death Star, and stopping them from destroying planets filled with innocent people. The film revolves around him, and how he used to live his life before the Sith attacked and after.


Darth Vader is the Villain in Star Wars, he leads the fight against the rebels and murders, a close friend of Luke. The film highlights him as the main villain, providing him with a red colored weapon representing death and evil, His dark metal suit represents his sinister mind and brutal methods of winning the war against the Jedi and Dark Side. 


Ben Kenobi is the Helper in this film. He saves Luke after a brutal attack from the feral Sandmen
who attacked Luke and wounded him. He helps Luke leave his planet, and head to the Death Star. He teaches Luke partially how to use the Lightsaber of his former Jedi father, Anakin Skywalker, at the point where we don't know Anakin is Darth Vader. He protects Luke and assists him in Princess Lea's rescue.


Princess Lea is the Princess of this film as he requires rescuing by Luke, Han Solo, and Ben Kenobi. Most of the film is about rescuing her, as she holds the plans for the Death Star, or in this case the reward. With the plans the rebels can destroy the Death Star therefore save a lot of planets. 


Han Solo is the Donor in the film, because he gives Luke and Ben access to his ship. Without the ship the story could not have continued as Luke and Ben wouldn't have had access to orbit therefore they wouldn't have been able to save the princess, and destroy the Villain.

False Hero

Jabba The Hut is the False Hero. He causes an ambush on Luke, Ben and Han Solo, when near the Millenium Falcon, forcing them to fly off rapidly, and causing them to fly in the wrong direction in panic, making them end up in a asteroid field.